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#przed apteką

Koleś żebrze przed apteką i zostaje zaatakowany przez drugiego kolesia ( ochroniarza )który przerzucił go przez barierkę, a następnie dźgnął go nożem.

A street man was killed by a pharmacy watchman in Bible Square in Goiânia late Tuesday (15). Agents of the State Homicide Investigation Office (IHL) of Goiás carry out investigations to locate the perpetrator, identified as Selmar Pereira Silva, 46, a vigilante.

Images released by the State Civil Police show a discussion between the vigilante and the resident of the street in front of the pharmacy around 9pm.

At one point, Selmar begins to assault the man, who was on the spot begging. After leaving him cornered against a railing, the perpetrator of the crime throws punches at him. He then pulls a knife from his pants and strikes the victim's chest, which can stand for just a few moments."
Najlepszy komentarz (71 piw)
kontownik • 2019-01-20, 18:12
ale pogrzebu na cały kraj nie było?